- can be a dead blog sometimes
so strong, till it falls.
wrong place...

Kids! adorable creatures that ever lived.
Afraid that taman camp is coming. can't more bowels for 4 days man! what a torture! Heard from Mr. Chandra in biology class that if a person is constipated and refused to poot, the anus will get infected! Woah! So my plan would be to eat loads and loads of fruits on teh night before and unload all unnecessary stuffs before i go for camp.
Weslie is a attractive guy! (attractive among guys) Wherever he goes, a bunch of guys would follow behind him in class. See his beauty eh?
And and, i'm gonna fail my amaths anyway... More and more empty spaces and red marks on my paper.
leave me your name.

life can be simple after all in this small world.

kids these days do get humorous.

defination of maths: the killers of all humankind.
Thanks to every single friend around me because you people had pushed me on in bringing me laughter and joy which dumb jokes and nice comfort.
To Xuemei, yea it's nice to have gatherings! Can't wait to manufacture chocs! ((x
leave me your name.
today i have simply one question for myself.
" should good people treat bad people nice, even though they get bad returns?"
Maybe not, especially in this dumbo society. Betrayal, backstabbing and whatsoever evil human minds can think of.
good history will never repeat. Whatever loyalty and stuffs shall be overwhelm by fame and money. Does it really matter that much? Maybe it does just that i never knew it.
so so the cutest creature on earth would be my MOTHER!
i show her my squadmates then told her the names and stuffs.
Me: yea so this is derek.
(after some other conversation...)
Mum: erm then that rabbit leh?
Me: Huh? rabbit? what rabbit?
after some time i realised she was trying to pronouce derek's name! Hahahaha! She's cute! rabbit? derek? rabbit? sound quite alike hahaha!
i came home late, 9 something. She awaited my return. I greeted her and she turned to give me a stern look. She scolded me. i told her i had called her up to inform that i will be returing home late. She told me it's not about that matter but that my studies is not managed well. She's worried i know. But i would prefer her scolding me, the more she scolds, the more she assure me that she still cares for me. She never feel that i had grown up and will figure my life out. She's always patient in nagging even when i get fed up at times and screamed at her almost all the time. And now she's here to nag me to sleep...Hahaha.
and one word for my sister : DISGUSTING! HEHE!
i screamed at her the word disgusting countless times, she's very self-conscious so very sensitive to such words.
Me: DISGUSTING YOU! x one billion times
Sis: You better stop it or i'll shut down your computer!
Me: (covered the com and mouse with myself) DISGUSTING YOU! HAHA!
She jumped on me and covered my mouth with her hands to stop me repeating those words.
And there's this song that went on the radio while sis once drive me home:
"what's that coming over the hill? is it a monster?! is it a monster?!"
i changed the lyrics and went:
"what's that coming over the hill? is it a monster?! YES! IT'S MY SISTER!"
leave me your name.
i love the people around me! They ROCK
so there's
Dad, Mum, Sis, Cousin Steven, cousin Michelle, Angelica, Kenni, Kaya, Jeanette, Jiamin, Cheryl, Sheryl, Liquan, Lillian, Jingyi, Derek, TBT, Daniel, Kangqi, Loretta, Samuel, Stacy, Vanessa, Felicia, Julia, Alicia Pan, Petrina and my Aunt.
they had brightened up my day on 14 April! Rock them all! i love you people! hope i didn't miss out anyone though. And of course there are many more peeps who rocks too!
Special thanks to:
Kaya, Jingyi, Liquan, Lillian, Derek, Tbt, Daniel and Kangqi for the celebration!
Something amazing happened! Liquan together with Petrina and Cheryl bought the same gift as Jeanette! wah hahahha! i shall now have two same gifts! ((x
after chatting with a friend, he reminded me i had once punched him in his eye during recess. didn't realise i was that violent in primary school...
and i used to bully a boy in pri and stole his lunch box to throw into trashcan! hehe! i still remembered how happy i was when i saw him searching helplessly for his lunchbox.
father's not here till sat, it's sian after all. i need you, father.
leave me your name.