suppose to be OUR shopping trip but it ended HER shopping trip instead.
went to some shop and saw a necklace that i really like so i look and look, thinking whether i should buy or not.
a man's voice told me i should. He say it's unique and nice. Then i turned around. He was a man in woman's body.
he looked pretty (I've got to admit that)
somehow i envy him. he was courageous. he dare to step out of the group of people who are afraid of the world pin pointing them, saying they're the 'special kind' of people.
but hey, these people out there, do what you want, life is short, who cares what other's may say? They may say you ah gua or whatever but so? you like it this way then be it. being a normal human is boring soemtimes either.
Moreover, this guy even got a job. got a real life.
he's cool.
you can despise me because you are an idiot who only sees things from your view and do not put yourself in other's shoes or you'll support me and not outcast them.
so don't give any "special" stares when you see them. i bet they're much better than you.
you think you're in circumstances where you think you look pretty and people just tell you, you've got the worse face and you started crying your whole eyes out because you're too upset?
what about them?
and before you outcast anybody or pin point at anyone, think about what if you were one of them next time?
don't be selfish and destroy other's lifestyles just because your mind doesn't recognise it as normal. your lifestyle may even be abnormal to them, silly.
just blog whatever i want. you can leave negative or positive comments but it doesn't change my mind.
and to some people, don't feel so unwanted and outcast just because majority doesn't recognise your lifestyle. do what you want.